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Friday, April 9, 2010

Paulo Schroeber / Almah at Roça'N'Roll

MS Metal Press Official Note :

Almah : confirmed in new edition of Roça'N'roll

The band Almah, led by the singer Edu Falaschi and bassist Felipe Andreoli (Angra), is back on stage, and confirms his participation in the 12th edition of Roça'N'Roll Festival. According to the official note of the event, the band is one of the headliners and will play in the night of June 12, at Star Ranch, a rural area in the middle of Varginha, in southern Minas Gerais.

Beside Almah, the cast of Roçca'N'Roll 2010 has seven other weight attractions from heavy metal Brazilian scene : Bittencourt Project, Torture Squad, Kamala, Raveland, Hammurabi, Unliver and Mercuryio Projectile.

Besides musical show, Roça'N'roll offers many other activities such as championship of Air Guitar and Guitar hero, workshops, theatrical performances and art exhibitions. The goal is to promote culture and interaction between rock and heavy metal fans from several regions of Brazil.

Considered as the largest and best known Rock'N'roll festival of Minas Gerais and one of the most important of Brazil, since 2005 Roça'N'Roll is held annually in Varginha and is naturally dedicated to lovers of style. The festival is part of the city's cultural calendar, and has already welcomed more than 170 bands and artists of rock and heavy metal with national or international reputation.

In parallel, Edu Falaschi and Felipe Andreoli are ending the new Angra's album, which is expected to be launched in june of this year."

For more news : MS Metal Press / Roça'N'Roll website